Tag: VSCode

  • Flutter Tips Tricks #02: Global Launch Configurations (06 May 2019)
    In VS Code, a Flutter app can easily be ran in debug mode on a device by pressing F5. However, what about release or profile mode?

  • One Editor to Rule Them All? (03 May 2019)
    I must admit that depending on the task at hand, my workflow is scattered between various editors. For instance, I use Visual Studio (or Rider at work) for Unity game development, Xcode for native iOS/macOS apps and Atom for blog posts and as a general text editor. As I recently began to learn Flutter, VS Code has also been thrown into the mix. This got me thinking, could VS Code be versatile enough to satisfy most of my needs?

  • Flutter Tips Tricks #01: Hello World Code Snippet (29 Apr 2019)
    When we create a new Flutter project, the standard starter app, in which the user can click a button and the onscreen count text is updated, is generated. Although this is a nice introduction to Flutter and hot reloading, I always find myself needing to delete most of this boilerplate code or starting from scratch. Wouldn’t it be great if there was someway to easily create an Hello World code snippet for main.dart?