- Caoga caoga is released! (01 Mar 2018)
I am proud to announce that Caoga caoga, a fun Irish vocabulary learning game, is now available to download for free on iOS and Android.
- Processing 3 + Android 6.0 (29 Aug 2015)
So continuing some Android adventures, this morning I wanted to test the new Processing 3 with Android Marshmallow. As Processing is written in Java, Processing and Android have always been good friends, but I was surprised to find out that they seem to work better now than ever before!
- αბц for Android (28 Aug 2015)
Yesterday I upgraded to a Nexus 5 and thus today I decided to do something I haven’t tried in a while: coding a simple Android app. Other than the significant aesthetic overall Google undertook with Lollipop, over the last two years they’ve been working hard on their own dedicated IDE Android Studio. Thus it seems like a good time to dabble my toes in the Android world again.