Tag: NovationLaunchpad

  • M4L and User 1 Mode on the Launchpad (26 Jul 2014)
    Last year while undertaking my MFA in Live Audiovisual performance, I developed a set of Max for Live modules to facilitate my final performance, one of which was a monome-style emulator, such that the top row would have a flashing right light through the cells to specify the current beat. In the v0.01 beta of LiAMP, LiAMP.Controller.Launchpad.Monome was released with the note “Presently over-rides any cell in the top row”, while User1 mode wasn’t functioning at all.

  • DJing using a Launchpad Part II (25 Jul 2014)
    Continuing on from yesterdays discussion about DJing using Live and a Launchpad, after some inspiration from the Cycling ‘74 forums I implemented the radio buttons using simple max objects as opposed to scripting.

  • DJ Using Only a Launchpad (24 Jul 2014)
    Today I started to prepare a new DJ set in Ableton and I began to think, can a traditional DJ set be solely performed using a Launchpad?