You are probably familiar with the UI Text component in which text can be added to a UI canvas.

What is not so apparent is that this component supports rich text.

Thus using markup tags like <b>, <i>, <size> and <color> , a single string can contain multiple font styles.

Text text;
text.text = "<size=100>This</size> is <color=green>green</color>, 
<size=50>and</size> this is <color=#FF0000>red</color>. <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>";

Even Debug.Log supports these markup tags which can be useful when reporting warnings and errors.

For more information see the Unity documentation.

It is, however, inconvenient and unnecessary to continually type these tags. Some Extension Methods would make everything easier now wouldn’t they?!

public static string SetColor(this string value, RichTextColor color)
  return string.Format("<color={0}>{1}</color>", color.ToString(), value);

where RichTextColor is a public enum of rich text tags

public enum RichTextColor
  aqua, black, blue, ...

which can then be used as

Debug.Log( "This is my message".SetColor( );

The instantiation of two new string objects just to set the color and bold isn’t efficient but then again it is also only used during debug mode. A better approach would be somthing like SetColorAndBold which concatenates the tags.

Take a look at StringExtentions.cs for more functionality. SetColorForWords is particularly useful if one wants to highlight one or more words.

Debug.Log( "This is my message".SetColorForWords(, 2) );
Debug.Log( "This is my message".SetSizeForWords(20, 0) );
Debug.Log( "This is my message".SetBoldForWords(1, 2) );
Debug.Log( "This is my message".SetItalicsForWords(0, 3) );

This post was generated from a GitHub repository.