Learning Flutter: veggie_tracker
Flutter LearningFlutterA simple Flutter project which tracks veggies eaten based on the Building for iOS with Flutter talk at Google I/O’19.
- veggie_tracker adapts the user experience by using a flat navigation architecture based on CupertinoTabScaffold on iOS, and a hierarchical navigation on Android. There are also a number of smaller adaptations of the UI like different buttons, background colors etc.
- provider is used to share state across the app.
- I personally did not like or find the Material drawer useful on Android, thus I replaced it with a simple FloatingActionButton.
- A Veggie’s season wasn’t actually displayed on screen, so I decided to rectify this in AddToLogForm.
- One of the challenges in Flutter is how to structure the project folder. Thus one of my goals for Veggie_tracker was to take the original structure (left) and separate it out into folders and files which I find intuitive (right).
- To become better acquainted with json serialization, instead of using the json_serializable package, I manually took care of serializing and deserializing. Although this isn’t difficult, there is a lot of boilerplate code.
- lib/widgets/adaptive could be extracted out to their own package.
Based on Building for iOS with Flutter, Google I/O ‘19 by Andrew Brogdon and Brett Morgan, licensed under BSD 3-Clause. Full details.
This post was generated from a GitHub repository.