- Csound Tutorial 5 (14 Oct 2014)
After our first four tutorials, we can now create our own personal synthesizer where the pitch, amplitude envelope, and timbre can be altered in the score. Now I know what you are thinking, “Sequencing a melody is kool and all, but what if I was able to play it in real time, with a real MIDI controller…”.
- Csound Tutorial 4 (22 Aug 2014)
Following from yesterday’s tutorial, we can now create a sine oscillator, alter the pitch, and even apply an amplitude envelope on each of the notes. But what would be really kool is if we could actually create a more interesting sonic output than a plain sine tone…
- Csound Tutorial 3 (21 Aug 2014)
Yesterday we learned how to incorporate parameters into our instrument such that the amplitude and frequency could be altered from our score. However this only allows us to control the loudness of a new note; what if we want to alter the loudness during the course of a given note? Also did you notice that unsettling audio-pop glitch between successive notes?
- Csound Tutorial 2 (20 Aug 2014)
Yesterday we created our first Csound file and performed it live within CsoundQT. Recall that this instrument could only play a sine tone at 440 Hz with Amplitude of 10000. Clearly this is quite limited musically, and as you’d expect, this can be solved by introducing variables.
- Csound Tutorial 1 (19 Aug 2014)
Csound is an open-source C-Based Audio Programming Language which enjoyed popularity throughout the late eighties and nineties. During my MA in Electroacoustic Music Composition, I was first expose to the language, along with Max/MSP. Although Graphical languages like Max and creative coding frameworks like Processing and openFrameworks are more accessible than Csound, Csound nevertheless still enjoys active development and a solid user community.
- Quickly Create Subtitles for a Video using a Text Editor (31 Jul 2014)
Something I needed to do today was to create an SRT subtitle text file for a video. These SRT files are the simplest method of including subtitles into your video, and although the process is somewhat tedious, it is repetitive and very straight forward.
- Gen Tutorial 4 - GenExpr (04 Oct 2013)
In the sidebar on the right of Gen you may have noticed a section called ‘code’.
- Gen Tutorial 3 - Subpatching and Buffers (03 Oct 2013)
Subpatchers and abstraction in Gen objects behave practically identically to standard Max subpatchers and abstractions. In Gen objects, subpatchers are created with the Gen operator.
- Gen Tutorial 2 - More Gen Operators and a Simple Delay (02 Oct 2013)
Yesterday we created our own [+~] and a simple crossfader in Gen. Today we are going to look at more Gen operators to build a simple delay object. Gen contains Mathematical (+, -, * etc.), Logical (!, &&), Comparative (==, >), and range and routing operators as found in Max. Some very useful, but potentially confusing, operators are clip, fold, scale, and wrap.
- Gen Tutorial 1 - A Friendly Introduction to Digital Signal Processing (01 Oct 2013)
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) is the mathematical manipulation of an information signal to modify it in some way. An audio waveform is represented digitally by breaking it up into a certain number of samples per second, at a certain bit resolution (i.e. 44100 samples per second at 16 bit quality). All these sampled amplitude points are stored in a floating point array, and can be manipulated accordingly. If any of this seems unfamiliar, please consult this great introduction to digital audio.
- Twitter + Processing + OSC (15 Apr 2013)
Have you ever wanted to integrate Twitter inside Processing? Using twitter4J, this can be easily achieved within 5 minutes! Firstly head to developer.twitter.com, log in, go to ‘My Applications’ and create a new application. You should then see a screen as follows: